
Gun control by Noam Chomsky

O blog da Esfera Pública disponibiliza para seus leitores e colaboradores um pequeno excerto do livro Secrets, lies and democracy, do Noam Chomsky, entrevistado por David Barsamian. A maior parte do livro é retirada das transcrições de entrevistas em meio radiofônico.

Pedimos desculpas aos leitores pelo texto exclusivamente em inglês, mas informamos que este texto serve muito mais de subsídio para artigos de nossos colaboradores e também para autores de blogs amigos, que estarão produzindo muito sobre a questão do desarmamento no Brasil, em decorrência da proximidade do plebiscito.

Abaixo o trecho denominado Gun control, páginas 35 a 38.

Advocates of free access to arms cite the Second Amendment. Do you believe that it permits unrestricted, uncontrolled possession of guns?

It's pretty clear that, taken literally, the Second Amendement doesn't permit people to have guns. But laws are never taken literally, including amendment to the Constitution ot constitutional rights. Laws permits what the tenor os the times interprets them as permitting.

But undelying the controversy over guns are some serious questions. There's a feeling in the country that people are under attack. I think they're misidentifying the source of the attack.

The government is the only power structure that's even partially accountable to the population, so naturally the business sectors want to make that the enemy - not the corporate system, which is totally unaccountable. After decades of intensive business propaganda, people fell that the government is some kind of enemy and that they have to defend themselves from it.

It's not that doesn't have it's justifications. The government is authoritarian and commonly hostile to much of the population. But it's partially - and pottentially vey influenciable - by the general population.

Many people who advocate keepting guns have fear of the government in the back of their minds. But that's a crazy response to a real problem.

Do the media foster the feeling people have that they're under attack?

At the deepest level, the media contribute to the sense that the government is the enemy, and they suppress the sources of real power is the society, which lie in te totalitarian institutions - the corporations, now international in scale - that control the economy and much of our social life. In fact, the corporations sei the conditions within which the government operates, and control it to a large extent.

The picture presented in the media is constant, day after day. People simply have no awareness of the system of power under which they are suffering. As a result - as intended - they turn their attention against the gonvernment.

People have all kinds of motivations for opposing gun control, but there's definitely a sector of the population that considers itself threatened by big forces, ranging from the Federal Reserve to the Council on Foreign Relations to big government to who knows what, and they're calling for guns to protect thenselves.

Radio listener: On the issue of gun control, I believe that the US is becoming much more like a Third World country, and nothing is necessarily going to put a stop on it. I look around and see a lot of Third World countries where, if the citizens had weapons, they wouldn't have the government they've got. So I think that may be people are being a little shortsighted in arguing for gun control and at the same time realizing that the government they-ve got is not exactly a benign one.

Your point illustrates exactly what I think is a major fallacy. The government is far from benign - that's true. On the other hand, it's at least partially accountable, and it can become as benign as we make it.

What's not benign (what's extremely harmful, in fact) is something you didn't mention - business power, which is highly concentrated and, by now, largely transnational. Business power is very far from benign and it's completely unanccountable. It's totalitariam system that has an enormous effect on our lives. It's also the main reason why government isn't benign.

As for guns being the way to respond to this, that's outlandish. First of all, this is not a weak Third World country. If people have pistols, the government have tanks, if people get tanks, the government has atomic weapons. There's no way to deal with these issues by violent force, even if you think that that's morally legitimate.

Guns in the hands of American citizens are not going to make the country more benign. They're going to make it more brutal, ruthless and destructive. So while one can recognize the motivations that lies behing some of the opposition to gun control, I think it's sadly misguided.

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